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Pakistan + 1 more

Pakistan Humanitarian Response Plan 2021 (April 2021)


Response Plan Overview





The Humanitarian Response Plan for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (hereafter Pakistan) is designed to address the three following main areas:

  1. Pakistan has hosted millions of Afghan refugees for 40 years, reaching the figure of 4-5 million at the peak. Pakistan continues to generously host some 1.4 million registered Afghan refugees (holding Proof of Registration (POR) cards issued by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan), and approximately 0.6 million unregistered Afghans, providing them with assistance, basic necessities and protection. This protracted refugee situation, together with the existence of Afghans of other categories, needs to be supported by the international community in line with more equitable responsibility-sharing central to the Global Compact on Refugees.

  2. Pakistan is prone to natural hazards such as drought, floods, heat waves, extreme cold, earth quake, quake, etc. According to the Climate Risk Index 2020, Pakistan ranks 5th in terms of countries most affected by extreme weather events, and climate risk continues to increase.1 Pakistan continues to be affected by the complex shocks caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic. In early 2020, soon after the declaration of COVID 19 as a pandemic, the Under-Secretary General (USG) for the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) announced a global humanitarian response plan (GHRP) that would be focused on addressing the immediate needs from the pandemic. The Government of Pakistan welcomed its inclusion in this global appeal and a request for 145.82 million USD was made in April 2020.2 In mid-2020, it was decided to end the GHRP by December 2020 and revert to country-specific humanitarian response plans that will address all needs, including COVID-19, the secondary impact of the pandemic and those caused by natural disasters, including the severe 2020 floods, and other factors.

  3. The Pakistani authorities have been making sure to address the needs of the affected population in an effective and efficient way and this HRP proposes how the humanitarian community will complement the Pakistani Government’s3 efforts in responding to the needs of the most vulnerable, by ensuring alignment with Government initiatives, support plans and social assistance.

This HRP will also provide the tools to resource programs for the benefit of people in need of additional humanitarian assistance and ensure transparency and visibility on the use of funds.

In parallel, the HRP will delve into strengthening the organization of the humanitarian community, with the goal of reinforcing links, collaboration and cooperation with the Government to ensure alignment with the Government’s objectives, priorities, and existing legal frameworks.4

The HRP strategy is also designed to create a platform for closer collaboration with elected officials, the private sector, etc. while ensuring sustainability by working to complement existing progress on disaster risk reduction and on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Out of the 11 million people identified as in need in the 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overview, the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan will target the most vulnerable 4.3 million people out of this group, including 1.4 million Afghan refugees (POR card holders), approximately 0.84 million Afghan Citizenship Card Holders (ACC) and between 0.4-0.6 million unregistered Afghans,5 who mainly live within the most vulnerable districts, with food security, livelihood, nutrition programmes, primary health services, including women’s health, WASH and education support, as well as shelter for those displaced. To do this, the HRP is requesting 332 million USD to respond to these humanitarian needs.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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