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Pakistan Humanitarian Bulletin, Issue 17, 3 - 16 March 2011


Due to recent changes in coordination arrangements in flood-affected areas, this will be the final Pakistan Humanitarian Bulletin issued by OCHA Pakistan. A new reporting product, focusing on humanitarian needs in the Northwest of the country, is planned from next month.


Efforts to consolidate newly-established early recovery coordination structures in flood-affected areas have gathered pace over the past fortnight. Various bodies of the Early Recovery Working Groups have been established and the clusters have made the necessary arrangements to ensure a smooth transition to the new coordination mechanism for flood response. Early recovery coordination capacity at the provincial level has been strengthened with the secondment of a large number of OCHA staff members to UNDP. OCHA sub-offices in Punjab and Sindh will close in the coming weeks, with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) remaining fully operational.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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