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Pakistan: EU allocates €1.8 million in humanitarian assistance for flood victims

The EU is providing €1.8 million in humanitarian aid to families affected by flash floods across large parts of Pakistan. The aid funding will assist affected people in some of the hardest-hit districts of Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces.

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: “Unusually heavy monsoon rains led to deadly flash floods in Pakistan. While the assessment on the ground is ongoing, we expect more than 1 million people having lost their homes and in need of direct assistance. The EU contribution underlines our commitment to the people of Pakistan and enables our partners to provide life-saving aid to those most affected.”

The funding is allocated to EU humanitarian partners operating on the ground to meet immediate needs of flood stricken families, including through the provision of temporary emergency shelter, food and clean water, cash transfers and primary healthcare services.

This latest funding comes in addition to last week’s allocation of €350,000 in aid to help people in Pakistan’s flood-affected province of Balochistan.

The EU is funding humanitarian aid operations in Pakistan since the 1990s.