Executive Summary
In 2014, Pakistan continued confronting multi-dimensional humanitarian challenges, including ongoing displacement as a result of insecurity and natural disasters. By the end of 2014, approximately 1.6 million people were displaced from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) due to insecurities and in need of humanitarian assistance. In addition to the FATA and KP complex emergency, severe malnutrition issues exist across Pakistan, exacerbated by natural disasters and insecurity; an estimated 58.1 per cent of households food insecure nationally. Global Acute Malnutrition and Severe Acute Malnutrition exceed global thresholds. Extreme weather patterns contribute to natural disasters. In 2014, 2.53 million were affected by floods and 2 million people were affected by drought.
The June 2014 North Waziristan Agency (NWA) security operations caused additional displacement of 1 million people into FATA and KP. Government agreed that non-government humanitarian partners will assist nonregistered identified vulnerable families. In mid-September, the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) said to expect an additional 7,200 newly displaced families from Khyber, in the event of a security operation.
In November, massive displacements were reported from Bara area of Khyber Agency. In just over a month, nearly 100,000 families were displaced, mostly to Peshawar Valley. Although for most it was a second displacement from their areas of origin over 25 per cent were newly displaced. Although Authorities considered the Bara displacements as short-term displacements returns were not expected to start until 2015. At the end of 2014, over 263,000 families remained displaced and in need of assistance in parts of FATA and KP.
Donor support to ERF decreased slightly from US$10 million in 2013 to $8.7 million in 2014. With residual carryover from 2013, ERF was able to respond to the two new humanitarian events in FATA and KP with support to internally displaced persons (IDPs) from NWA and Bara area of Khyber Agency. In addition, ERF also allocated funds to meet ongoing unmet needs of existing IDPs across KP and FATA.
All the funds allocated in 2014 were allocated to NGOs—57 per cent to national and 43 per cent to international partners. This is one of the highest allocations to NGOs globally. ERF also broadened its partner portfolio with additional 10 national and 2 international partners. Considering the high rate of severe malnutrition across Pakistan, ERF provided the two largest allocations to the Nutrition (19 per cent) and Health (20 per cent) Clusters.
Considering the cultural and accessibility situation in KP and FATA, allocation for Protection was increased from 5 per cent in 2013 to 14 per cent in 2014.
ERF monitored all of the 49 projects that started in 2014 and 97 per cent of projects that started in 2013 that continued into 2014 by conducting project site visits, bilateral review meetings and desk reviews. The fund application review process was shortened from 38.9 working days in 2013 to 31.5 in 2014. This highlights more efficient management of ERF. ERF Unit strengthened working relationships with the clusters to improve ERF processes at different stages of allocation. ERF piloted innovative beneficiary transactions with vehicular and telephonic mobile cash transfers. Through Bank on Wheels and Bank on Phone, partners were able to merge transparency and accountability with improved convenience and safety to beneficiaries. ERF funding helped promote gender equity in resolving disputes in communities by developing a way for women’s voices and interests to be heard in a culturally accepted way within the all male jirga meetings or with police.
Activities in 2015
ERF will implement new global guidelines and introduce a new due diligence process and an online Grant Management System. ERF will look into two standard allocations per year based on prioritized needs as defined by the HCT Strategic Plan. ERF Unit will continue monitoring projects. The Unit will also develop a resource mobilization strategy and a bi-annual country strategy.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.