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Pakistan: Earthquake Appeal No. 05EA022 Operations Update No. 31


GLIDE No. EQ-2005-000174-PAK

Period covered by this Operations Update: April to 30 September 2008;

Appeal target (current): The appeal budget is being revised up from CHF 164.5 (USD 150.5 million or EUR 104.8 million) million to CHF 167.6 million (USD 153.1 million or EUR 106.8 million).This revision is due to the adjustments in the values of in-kind donations to the Emergency Appeal.

Appeal coverage: 95%;

Appeal history:

- This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on preliminary basis on 9 October 2005 for CHF 10.8 million (USD 10.38 million or EUR 6.69 million) for four months to assist 30,000 families (120,000 beneficiaries).

- Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 200,000 was initially allocated from the International Federation's DREF to support the national society to respond.

- The preliminary appeal budget was increased to CHF 73.3 million on 12 October 2005 and the number of beneficiaries increased to 150,000 families (750,000 beneficiaries) for six months. The number of beneficiaries was revised down to 70,000 families on 17 October 2005; based on delivery capacity and a revised average family size of seven.

- A Revised Emergency Appeal was launched on 28 March 2006 for CHF 227 million to assist over 1,085,000 beneficiaries until the end of 2008.

- The budget for the appeal was revised down to CHF 165 million on 12 December 2006 to assist over 1,085,000 beneficiaries till the end of 2008.

- The appeal budget was further revised down from CHF 165.2 million (USD 158.6 million or EUR 102.3 million) to CHF 164.5 million (USD 157.8 million or EUR 101.8 million) and the timeframe of the operation was extended to the end of 2009 as stated in Operations Update No 30, posted on 7 May 2008.

- This operations update revises the budget figures from CHF 164.5 million (USD 157.8 million or EUR 101.8 million) to CHF 167.6million (USD 153.1 million or EUR 106.8 million) due to adjustments in the values of in-kind donations to the appeal.

Summary: The Pakistan earthquake appeal has been extended till the end of 2009 with the targeted number of beneficiaries to remain the same. The budget has been increased by 1.9 per cent. The overall expenditure against the revised budget is 76 per cent.

Three years after the earthquake, the operation in the country has entered the final stages of rehabilitation phase. The main focus now is on health and care, water and sanitation, livelihoods, completion of 34 construction projects and allied transition from this long-term emergency appeal. The first of these projects (a girls' middle school) is completed and was handed over to the local authorities in August 2008.

While catering to the people affected from small-scale floods (relatively less disastrous than in 2007) in summer 2008, the national society provided health and care services to more than 8,000 people and distributed food and non-food items to approximately 3,300 families.

The importance of disaster preparedness stocks was once again realized during the 2008 floods, when the stocks were used to provide timely relief to the affected people. Between April and September 2008, a total of five disaster management cells were opened under the earthquake appeal.

During the reporting period, the health teams in Balakot, Besham, Oghi and Banna treated approximately 42,500 patients. The health teams also conducted participatory rural appraisals (PRA) in Balakot and Besham to assess the needs of the communities and whether the national society should continue its health provisions beyond 2008.

A total of 40 water supply schemes have been completed out of the total 64 planned. The water and sanitation team will now be rehabilitating 15 additional water supply schemes. Non-objection certificates have been obtained for these water supply schemes by the Earthquake Recovery and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA).

The livelihoods programme has been conducting capacity building initiatives based on the new community based needs approach.