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Pakistan: Cyclone Yemyin/Floods Appeal MDRPK001 Operations Update No. 13


Period covered by this Ops Update: 1 March to 30 May 2008.

Appeal target (current): CHF 10.2 million (USD 10 million or EUR 6.335.400 million);

Appeal coverage: 78%;

Appeal history:

- A preliminary Emergency Appeal for Cyclone Yemyin/floods was launched on 4 July 2007 for CHF 10.38 million (USD 10 million or EUR 6.6 million) for six months to assist 98,000 beneficiaries (14,000 families).

- CHF 250,000 was allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 2 July 2007.

- A Revised Emergency Appeal was launched on 17 July for CHF 21.34 million (USD 20.6 million or EUR 13.5 million) to assist 360,500 beneficiaries (51,500 families) for six months.

- This operations update signals an extension of the appeal till June 2009 and budget revision to CHF 10.2 million.


The Pakistan Cyclone Yemyin/Floods appeal is being revised and the time period has been extended till June 2009. The emergency activities of the operation are finished. The appeal is being extended and budgets have been revised. For details of these activities in the emergency phase, see the interim final report dated 25 March 2008. The programmes covered under emergency phase were relief (food and non-food), emergency health and care, WatSan and emergency shelter. New objectives and expected results have been set inline with the available funds; hence no further funding is sought. This operation will move from emergency appeal to post floods recovery operation covering disaster risk reduction, community based health and care, Watsan and National Society capacity building.

The situation

Severe floods caused by heavy rains in late June and early July 2007, intensified by Cyclone Yemyin, affected 2.5 million people in the southern provinces of the country. According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) the death toll from the rains and cyclone was 420 (205 in Baluchistan and 215 in Sindh). A total of 71,596 homes were damaged and thousands of people were displaced, while 6,500 villages were destroyed in the two affected provinces. The return of people to their villages was eventually made possible through the recession of flood waters and facilitated by governmental cash grants of PKR15,000 (approximately CHF 243 or USD 240) to affected households.

Contact information

For further information specifically related to this operation please contact:

In Pakistan: Pakistan Red Crescent Society (Ilyas Khan, Secretary General), phone: +92 51 925 0409; email:

In Pakistan: Federation country office (Azmat Ulla, Head of Delegation), phone: +92 300 850 3317; email:

In India: South Asia regional delegation (Al Panico, Head of regional office), phone: +91 11 2411 1125; fax: +91 11 2411 1128; email: