Key Highlights
• During this period COVID-19 cases remained steady with an average 463 new cases in a day.
• Heavy monsoon rainfall has caused flooding and damages across the country particularly in Sindh and KP provinces.
• More than 670,900 people (37,696 new) reached through social media with UNICEF support.
• Using WASH sector communication networks, over 22.1 million (1.5 million new) people reached with COVID-19 hygiene promotion messages with UNICEF reached 7.9 million (312,598 new).
• Over 1.86 million people (258,826 new) benefitting from continuity of primary health care services at UNICEF supported health facilities.
• With UNICEF support 77,550 children have been treated for SAM (9,840 new) and 100,572 mothers/caregivers reached through interpersonal communication on IYCF practices.