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Pakistan: COVID-19 Situation Report - Reporting Date: 23-29 March 2020


Key Highlights

  • As of 29th of March 2020, there were 1,547 positive Coronavirus cases with Punjab now overtaking Sindh as the most affected province with 558 cases

  • The government has designated 41 hospitals with 326 wards and 119,778 beds as isolation centres and 326 quarantine facilities with 162,743 beds and in addition 652 hotels as isolation centres with 20,441 beds

  • A total of 13,492 religious leaders have been engaged in preventive measures

  • Hygiene promotion continued through Clean and Green Punjab digital and social media platforms as well as through 100 banners displayed on strategic points reaching 216,567 people


In Pakistan the first imported case of COVID-19 was reported on 25 February 2020 and as of 29 March 2020 there were 1,547 positive coronavirus cases with Punjab being the most affected province with 558 cases, followed by Sindh Province with 502 cases and Balochistan with 138 cases. Of the total number of confirmed cases, 14 patients have died and 28 have fully recovered from the disease and have been discharged from the hospital.