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Pakistan + 2 more

Pakistan - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #2, Fiscal Year (FY) 2019



  • Effects of the 2018/2019 drought continue to cause food insecurity, disrupt livelihoods

  • USG provides $39.8 million in FY 2019 to support humanitarian response activities


  • Recent drought conditions continue to negatively impact vulnerable populations across Pakistan, exacerbating humanitarian needs in the country. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that drought had adversely affected approximately 5 million people in Pakistan as of September, with effects of the drought on local communities persisting in Pakistan’s southern Balochistan and Sindh provinces despite average monsoon rains in May–August. In response to drought-induced humanitarian needs, USAID is supporting programs to provide emergency food assistance, bolster livelihoods opportunities, and address water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) gaps for affected communities in the two provinces.

  • The number of polio virus and dengue fever cases has increased in Pakistan in 2019, leading to a heightened need for health care and vaccination services. The Government of Pakistan (GoP) had reported nearly 49,000 suspected cases of dengue fever and nearly 70 confirmed cases of polio to date in 2019.