The aim of UNHCR Pakistan’s Community-based Protection (CBP) strategy is to empower Person of Concerns (POCs) to have an effective role as protection actors and meaningfully participate in the design, planning and implementation of activities that are most needed within their communities. CBP seeks to restore positive roles within a community and rebuild community-based support mechanisms and protection structures. UNHCR, in collaboration with partners; International Catholic Migration Committee (ICMC), Society for Human Rights and Prisoners Aid (SHARP), DANESH, Water, Environment and Sanitation Society (WESS) and Commissioner for Afghan Refuges (CAR), continues its efforts to implement CBP interventions throughout the country.
The four key priorities of the strategy covers:
A Network of outreach volunteers (OVs) to facilitate effective and efficient outreach and communication with communities.
Training and capacity building of UNHCR, partners, and communities in the practice of community-based protection.
Community-level referral pathways to services and accountability mechanisms.
Support to positive behavior change to reduce incidence of harmful social practices
UNHCR and partners completed 2019 Participatory Assessment exercise in all targeted locations of Islamabad, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan. The Participatory Assessment was conducted through focus group discussions (FGDs) and key informant interviews (KIIs) on the topics of communication structures within communities, the protection of women and girls, livelihoods, education, and evictions. The inputs provided by the diverse group of refugees will help UNHCR in finalizing the Country Operational Plan (COP) for 2020.
UNHCR distributed tents, blankets, and plastic sheets to 60 Afghan families in districts Jehlum and Mirpur of Pakistan Administered Kashmir (PAK), who were affected after the recent earthquake. UNHCR also distributed Core Relief items (CRIs) to 53 Afghan families who were evicted from their homes in Taxila Punjab. The CRIs included; family tents, plastic sheets and blankets.
- As part of an Outreach Volunteer (OV) led initiative in Refugee village in Posti, Balochistan, additional four solar panels and three computers have been installed at the Computer Learning Center. The center is in a remote district where no electricity is available.
With the additional solar panel and computers, the capacity of the center will be enhanced.