by Dana Palade and John Schenk - World Vision Pakistan Communications
One hundred and forty teenagers recently resumed school after World Vision-sponsored "catch up" classes saved them from being permanently expelled from the education system.
The school system recommended their expulsion after they displayed aggressive behaviour and performed poorly in the year following the 7.6 magnitude earthquake that devastated northern Pakistan on 8 October, 2005.
"Our generation is not hopeless," said 16-year-old Amina, quoting the Pakistani poet, Allama Iqbal to express her enthusiasm about her renewed educational career. She said she wants to become a pilot. "We do as much as boys can, or even more."
"These children have been saved from early marriage for the girls and the boys lining up for menial jobs at construction sites," said Richard Mukhwana, manager of the children in crisis project. "Education means the difference between this and young people who now have the chance to access further schooling and ultimately saleable job skills."
"Many of these young people participated in the initial rescue operations. They helped dig out dead relatives, neighbours and classmates, to clear the rubble of what had been their homes and schools. Their bad behaviour was a direct result of what they suffered after the quake," Mukhwana said.
Staff became aware of the intended expulsions last June when they were invited to year-end school ceremonies. They intervened and asked school officials for the chance to bring the students up to academic standards as well as work on their disruptive attitudes.
The students studied two hours a day and spent another two hours daily in psychosocial exercises built around creative and recreational activities plus one-on-one discussions with child protection officers.
The programme was built on existing staff, gift-in-kind school supplies and play materials from the 17 existing child friendly spaces (CFSs). No additional costs were entailed. Sixty girls and 80 boys attended the classes.
"The most remarkable changes in behaviour were team work among the boys and an opening up among the girls in which they felt freedom to express themselves," said Mukhwana.
Sumera, 17, said she wants to become a doctor. She said her village is poor and has no medical care.
"All I want to be is a good human being," said Nazima, "and if this is all that comes out of these classes that is fine by me."