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Pakistan + 1 more

Pakistan and Afghanistan, April 2010



This summary document provides information about Office of Inspector General (OIG) oversight activities in Pakistan and Afghanistan since fiscal year 2003.

OIG has strengthened its focus in Pakistan since the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) reopened its mission in 2002 and since that year has been providing oversight of USAID activities in Afghanistan as well. OIG covers a wide spectrum of USAID programs in the two countries, covering such areas as relief and stabilization, reconstruction, sustainable development, education, and health care. OIG's activities help USAID make sure that tax dollars are being spent wisely and effectively.

USAID obligations in Afghanistan for fiscal year (FY) 2002 through midyear FY 2010 totaled more than $9.2 billion, and since FY 2003, OIG has expended over $7.7 million in base appropriations and supplemental funding to oversee USAID's activities in that country. During the same period in Pakistan, USAID has provided more than $3.65 billion to address priority programs. OIG expects to spend approximately $3.8 million to provide in-country oversight for Pakistan in FY 2010.