3. Flood Relief Activities
a. Relief Camps Established. 196x relief camps established in different parts of Sindh. Currently, 23,629x persons are residing in relief camps established in Sindh.
b. Rescue Activities
(1) 2,333x persons evacuated in District Khushab.
(2) 8,799x persons evacuated in Karachi.
(3) 175x families (1,245 individuals) evacuated by Armed Forces and District Administration from Yousaf Goth, Sarjani Town and adjoining Goths, District Karachi
(4) 299x persons evacuated using 10x boats in District Dadu by Armed Forces and District Administration.
c. Aviation Activities. NTR.
d. Relief Activities. Consolidated state of relief activities in attached as AnnexA.
4. Threat to Next Likely Areas. NTTR.
5. River Discharges. All the Major Rivers are flowing in the state of their normal flows. Details of river discharges is attached as Annex B.