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NDMA in collaboration with the World Bank organized Validation Workshop on "Pakistan 2005 Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction Experience"


National Disaster Management Authority with the assistance of the World Bank has organized a Validation Workshop for an in-depth Case Study on the "Pakistan 2005 Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction Experience", at Serena Hotel, Islamabad.

During the workshop key findings of analysis based on extensive literature review and interviews with a broad range of stakeholders, were presented by the World Bank.

The objective of the workshop is to institutionalize the best practices emerging from the case study, identify any gaps in the analysis, and receive feedback from the government and other stakeholders.

It is an essential step towards raising Pakistan’s global profile at the upcoming “World Reconstruction Conference 2014” to be held in USA in September, 2014 where various country representatives and stakeholders will meet to share the latest recovery and reconstruction approaches. The World Reconstruction Conference 2014 will provide a unique opportunity to further establish a global reconstruction and recovery knowledge practice based on best case studies.

The workshop was chaired by Chairman NDMA, Major General Muhammad Saeed Aleem while former Chairman NDMA, and former Deputy Chairman ERRA Lt. General (R) Nadeem Ahmed, and Raja Rehan Arshad (WB) also shared their experiences/ contributions of 2005 earthquake. Member DRR, Mr Ahmed Kamal, Member Operations, Brig Mirza Kamran Zia including other officers of NDMA engaged with DRR and response sectors and representatives from PDMAs, GBDMA, FDMA, SDMA and donor organizations also participated in the workshop.

In his opening remarks Chairman NDMA, Major General Muhammad Saeed Aleem termed sustainable and resilient recovery as a developmental imperative. He lauded ERRA’s role in the aftermath of 2005 earthquake including that of multi-lateral organizations such as the World Bank, UNDP and ADB as well as the gracious assistance provided by donor governments such as Saudi Arabia, the United States, China, Iran and the UAE in making recovery efforts successful towards Pakistan’s post 2005 earthquake reconstruction in Kashmir and KP that later on has become a world renowned model for recovery. He also highlighted the efforts made in taking Pakistan towards a more pro-active risk management regime from a traditional response-based approach, by virtue of better and more refined planning predominantly focusing on preparedness.

Acting Country Director of the World Bank, Mr. Reynold Duncan, highlighted the role of the World Bank in supporting the Government’s recovery efforts, particularly in the aftermath of the 2005 devastating earthquake.

Giving an overview of the Post Disaster Recovery Frameworks & Recovery Institutionalization, Raja Rehan Arshad (WB) highlighted recovery framework as an action plan that ensures post disaster recovery. He emphasized on well coordinated and resilient recovery by effecting prior arrangements by all institutions in developing policy environment and financing structures for timely implementation.

While presenting the policy framework for recovery & lessons learned from Pakistan Earthquake 2005 Case Study, Lt. General (R) Nadeem Ahmed presented an in-depth overview of the efforts undertaken after 2005 earthquake. Stressing the need for uniform policies & effective coordinated efforts at the institutional levels among government and stakeholders, he also shared few steps that were adopted as a consequence of earthquake 2005 as part of successful recovery plan including in particular cross/intra sectoral prioritization, institutional framework, recovery financing & financial management and monitoring & evaluation. He also appreciated WB for its support to government in ensuring timely recovery in the affected areas.

The workshop was followed by question answer session. While concluding the session Chairman NDMA thanked all participants for their considered and valuable inputs to further enrich the findings of the case study. He also lauded WB efforts in developing Global Disaster Recovery Framework Guide with the support of GFDRR which will be a user-friendly, practice-based solution to help government officials and policy makers design and implement successful post-disaster recovery.

The Chairman also stressed the need to ensure implementation of comprehensive disaster management system by enhancing capacity of district authorities & provision of requisite resources.