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Humanitarian assistance to the victims of the 8 October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan


Location of operation: Pakistan
Amount of Decision: EUR 1,000,000
Decision reference number: ECHO/PAK/BUD/2006/01000

Explanatory Memorandum

1 - Rationale, needs and target population.

1.1 - Rationale :

Following the earthquake of October 8th, 2005, and over 1,000 aftershocks in the months that followed, 3.5 million people were affected. Despite progress towards rehabilitation during 2006, an estimated(1) 1.8 million people will face the forthcoming winter in temporary shelters and tents, many still requiring ongoing humanitarian assistance. To ensure that this ongoing humanitarian aid continues to reach these vulnerable populations during the winter, as well as to monitor the condition of these populations, additional logistics support, notably with helicopters, is necessary. Such support will help these populations to survive through the winter, and will limit the possible mass displacement of these populations - with all the humanitarian consequences of this in winter - to lower areas. It will also limit the possible increase of displaced camp populations through the winter months, as well as the creation of informal camps that would be difficult to assist.

1.2. - Identified needs :

With primary roads still subject to periods of closure, and the repair of secondary roads not yet completed, large areas will be cut off during the winter months(2). There is thus a need for logistics support to ensure access for the ongoing humanitarian relief effort. This will enable field evaluation of emergency needs and facilitate access for personnel such as medical staff, as well as medical evacuations, as well as cargo such as medicines, and nutritional and essential relief items where necessary.

1.3. - Target population and regions concerned :

An estimated3 118,000 households, or 670,000 people, could be isolated and inaccessible during the winter months in the event of harsh weather in the highland areas of Pakistani Kashmir and the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan, and thus additional logistics support will be required to ensure continued access and monitoring for ongoing humanitarian relief for these populations.

1.4. - Risk assessment and possible constraints :

The main constraints are difficult mountain terrain, and winter weather. In addition, political-military issues related to the 'war against terror' or tensions between Pakistan and India, may constrain access in NWFP and Kashmir.


(1) Source Oxfam
(2) Source : UNWFP
(3) Source : UNWFP