• Jenin's population is currently estimated to be 353,000, with 11,700 individuals residing in Jenin Refugee Camp. Around 21,000 people, approximately 6% of Jenin population, are classified as food insecure. The poverty rate in Jenin Camp is recorded at 29.4%. Jenin, along with Hebron, holds the highest unemployment rate in the West Bank, currently at 16.8%.
• On 3 July, an Israeli military operation in Jenin, specifically in Jenin Camp, resulted in restricted movement for the camp’s residents, preventing them from entering or leaving the camp. Moreover, essential supplies such as food, water, and medicine have been inaccessible to them. In addition, the camp has experienced disruptions in electricity, water, and internet services. The water supply has also been disrupted in the broader Jenin governorate. On 3 July, approximately 500 families were compelled to evacuate their homes in the camps (OCHA).
• Recognizing this dire situation, WFP conducted a rapid survey to assess the food availability and accessibility in local shops. WFP has 10 contracted local shops in Jenin governorate. Out of the total of 10 shops approached, 9 responded to the WFP questionnaire between July 3 and July 4, 2023. Results of the survey are outlined in the report.
• 78% of the shops in the wider governorate of Jenin did not report suffering from a shortage in stock of main food commodities. The 3 shops located in Jenin City however have been shut down for two days. 57% of the respondents have not expressed a current need for food goods, but approximately 29% of the participants mentioned that it typically takes them around five days to acquire food commodities from their usual sources based on previous experiences in similar situations. Additionally, 14% of the respondents reported needing more than five days to obtain their necessary supplies.
• Regarding prices, the majority of respondents stated that they have remained stable. However, 12.5% of the participants noted an increase in the price of main food commodities.
• In terms of food availability, most shops in the area have an adequate stock of food commodities that can last for approximately two weeks. Around 30% of the respondents indicated that the current supply is sufficient for one week.
• In relation to infrastructure, 37.5% of the respondents mentioned experiencing instability in electricity services.
• The military operation ended on 5 July. However, shops in Jenin were still closed due to ongoing funeral possessions. According to the Palestinian Ministry of National Economy, there is a deficit of various goods in the camp, and a high demand for canned food. There is no significant increase in food prices reported, as suppliers are expecting the arrival of goods in the coming days.