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WFP Palestine Emergency Response External Situation Report #22 (29 May 2024)



  • The situation in Gaza remains critical, with urgent humanitarian needs persisting. WFP emphasizes the importance of safe, sustained, access to address food insecurity and basic needs and to ensure that nutritious and diversified food reaches those most vulnerable.
  • Nearly a million people have been displaced from Rafah in recent weeks, seeking food and water in overcrowded central Gaza. Despite increased food distributions in northern Gaza due to improved access, conditions are rapidly deteriorating in central and southern Gaza. Additionally, fuel shortages hinder hospitals, water desalination plants, and basic services.
  • There is an urgent need for both Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossings to be operating at their full capacity. While the maritime corridor and northern crossings are essential, they cannot replace the scale and geographical coverage of Kerem Shalom and Rafah. To ensure uninterrupted access to food, all routes and entry points must remain open, not just for weeks but for months.
  • Despite these challenges, WFP has been able to reach an estimated 1.2 million people across Gaza so far this month, with reduced rations due to access constraints and restrained stock availability.


  • Northern Gaza, which was the epicentre of catastrophic hunger level warnings, is now improving thanks to better access in the past month. However, in turn, central and southern areas, are starting to see a deterioration.
  • Most of WFP partners and humanitarian agencies are displaced in the middle areas and with very limited capacity to reach people in Rafah.
  • Sustained fuel flow is vital for essential services such as transportation, water supply, healthcare, and sewage systems. Without reliable fuel, these critical services are at risk of disruption.