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WFP Palestine Country Brief, August 2021


In Numbers

312,665 people assisted In August 2021

US$3.36 m in cash-based transfers made

435.1 mt of food distributed

US$ 18.5 m six month (September 2021 – February 2022) net funding requirements

Operational Updates

• In August 2021, WFP reached 312,665 people in need through cash-based transfer and in-kind support, reaching 95 percent of prioritized people for in-kind assistance and 99.6 percent of the cash-based support in Gaza, and 98 percent of the prioritized cash-based support in the West Bank. The total amount of cash delivered to beneficiaries was fully redeemed in August and thereby injected the local economy with USD 3.3 million.

• WFP and UNICEF are supporting the Ministry of Health’s Social Behavior Change and Communications (SBCC) National action plan, launch of which will take place mid-September.

• WFP, together with local private NGO Juzoor as its cooperating partner, will launch nutrition SBCC activities in Gaza and the West Bank. These targeted activities will focus on reducing anaemia amongst pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of five years. The project will tentatively support about 600 individuals, both women and men, and is set to launch in October.

• WFP resilience activities in the West Bank and Gaza continue: working closely with the Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), WFP finalized the selection of eligible support to scale up assistance both to new families and to those in previous phases of the activity affected by the May escalation of violence. Agricultural assets were distributed to vulnerable families.

• WFP’s Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) ten-month pilot was completed at the end of July, reaching 7,343 people. WFP and other stakeholders involved in cash assistance in Gaza will conduct an evaluation of the pilot MPCA to inform future implementation. Meanwhile, in midAugust WFP began providing emergency MPCA (USD 265 per household per month) to around 24,000 people who were affected by the recent escalation in violence in May.
This support is planned for three months.

Logistics Sector: The Logistics Sector in Palestine has been active since the May escalation in Gaza. Led by WFP Palestine, the Sector has been working on innovative ways to manage information for NGOs and UN Agencies. The Sector has launched a multisectoral digital data collection platform built to support the efficiency of the logistics response in Gaza and to help the humanitarian community identify gaps and bottlenecks in the delivery of humanitarian assistance.