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WeWorld Flash Update #18 - War on Gaza: starvation on top of displacement, June 26th, 2024



WeWorld continues emergency operations focusing on providing life-saving water, sanitation and hygiene services in IDPs sites and to scattered displaced population. Up to date, WeWorld has been able to reach over 500,000 people, the majority being children and women. It distributed 65,600m3 of domestic and drinking water and 119,104 bottles (1.5 L) of water. It constructed 93 blocks of dry latrines (each consisting of 3 blocks) and 2070 pour flush family latrines, while 962are under construction. The sanitation facilities in 11 schools IDP shelters have been maintained through minor rehabilitation. 630,000 units of critically needed items have been distributed, including gender sensitive hygiene kits, while 1,534 additional hygiene kits are in pipeline to be imported through Egypt. To mitigate health and safety hazards and enhance dignity, protection, and disinfection of sanitation services and shared spaces at IDP sites, WeWorld is providing emergency cleaning services, including waste collection and disposal, in 12 schools and 3 main hospitals. Effective hygiene promotion is widely recognized as one of the most valuable tools for reducing diarrheal diseases in emergencies. WeWorld set up Local Hygiene Committees in 12 targeted sites in order to roll out hygiene promotion plans. 21 Sessions on Menstrual Hygiene Management, household hygiene, vector control, solid waste management and Safe Water were held with 615 and girls.