Israeli Occupation Forces Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
- On the 1st Anniversary of Israel's Offensive on the Gaza Strip, No Israeli War Criminals Have Been Held Accountable
- Israeli occupation forces killed 6 Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
- 3 of the victims were extra-judicially executed by Israeli occupation forces in Nablus.
- 5 Palestinian civilians, including a child and a woman, were wounded by Israeli gunfire.
- Israeli troops used force to disperse peaceful demonstrations organized in protest to the construction of the Annexation Wall in the West Bank.
- Israeli occupation forces conducted 28 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank.
- Israeli occupation forces arrested 26 Palestinian civilians, including 8 children.
- Israeli naval troops have continued to attack Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip.
- Israeli has continued to impose a total closure on the OPT and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.
- Israeli troops positioned at military checkpoints in the West Bank arrested 4 Palestinian civilians, including one child.
- Israeli forces have continued settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.
- The Israeli government invited bids to build 692 housing units in illegal Israeli settlements in occupied East Jerusalem.
- A woman and a shepherd survived gunfire attacks by Israeli settlers.
- IOF ordered the demolition of a number of houses claiming that they were built without licenses.