Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women
33rd session 5 to 22 July 2005
Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by Israel
Written by Orah Maggen, Emilie Marquis
(PCATI) in consultation with Carin Benninger-Budel (OMCT)
Researched by Emilie Marquis (PCATI)
Coordinated and edited by Carin Benninger-Budel (OMCT)
Director of Publication Eric Sottas
Executive Summary
In light of the lack of attention in the Israeli government report submitted to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (U.N. Doc CEDAW/C/ISR/3) on the effect of the current conflict and the occupation on Palestinian women from the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), this report addresses the violence against Palestinian women committed by the Israeli authorities in this context and includes the gender-related impact of the violence against Palestinian women and girls. Except for the cases of Mona Obeid, a Palestinian citizen of Israel and of Israeli Peace activist Tali Fahima, this report does not address discrimination, including violence, against Israeli women.
Special emphasis is given to torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian women from the OPT who have been detained, interrogated and imprisoned by Israeli security forces. It highlights the issue of interrogation of Palestinian detainees by the General Security Service (GSS), during which torture and ill-treatment are routinely applied. Methods used are beating, slapping, kicking, stepping on shackles, bending the interrogee and placing him in other painful positions, intentional tightening of shackles, violent shaking, sleep deprivation, prolonged shackling behind the back, cursing, humiliating, and threatening the detainee, depriving the detainee of essential needs, exposing the detainee to extreme heat or cold, isolation and secrecy, and imprisonment under inhuman conditions.(1) A large number of Palestinian detainees are held in incommunicado detention, deprived of their basic human rights to legal counsel, legal scrutiny, and contact with their families. Incommunicado detention both facilitates torture and ill-treatment and forms an integral part thereof. The interrogators enjoy impunity, which is engineered by a combination of incommunicado detention, the isolation from the outside world, and a strictly internal investigation of complaints.
The report also considers the conditions of Palestinian women in detention. Palestinian female detainees and prisoners are often held in appalling, crowded conditions, suffer from severe punitive measures and are maltreated by prison authorities. Many detainees complain of being denied proper medical care, education, and regular family visits. Women have no access to psychologists or to social workers. Sometimes it is impossible for detainees to communicate with doctors because of language barriers.
The report also highlights the loss of life of Palestinian women as a result of military actions. Some 184 Palestinian women from the OPT were killed or died of causes related to the conflict, twenty-four sick Palestinian women died at checkpoints.(2) Approximately 200 Israeli women were killed during this time in attacks by armed Palestinians.(3) Moreover, the report presents cases of women who are forced to give birth at checkpoints because of delays or denial of passage.
PCATI and OMCT would like to emphasize that although Israel has consistently denied its obligation to apply the provisions of UN human rights treaties, which it has ratified, in the OPT as well as the Fourth Geneva Convention, relevant human rights bodies and the international community have repeatedly reaffirmed the applicability of both the international human rights treaties and the Fourth Geneva Convention to the OPT. PCATI and OMCT also wish to recall that under international law, certain rights are not subject to derogation under any circumstance, including the right to life, freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, fundamental principles of fair trial and the presumption of innocence. They also reaffirm that the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is a peremptory norm of international law.
PCATI and OMCT would also like to stress that they unreservedly condemn all attacks against civilians -- any civilians, but responding to such attacks by violating the basic, non-derogable rights of human beings -- any human beings, is equally condemnable.
PCATI and OMCT call on the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women to urge the Government of Israel to provide information on its compliance with its obligation to exercise due diligence to prevent, investigate and punish acts of violence against Palestinian women from the OPT by Israeli state authorities. They would also urge the government of Israel to take all measures to ensure the respect and protection of the human rights of all Palestinians in the OPT and of those detained inside Israel. We also call on all sides involved in the current conflict to forgo all forms of violence and do their utmost to reach a peaceful, durable solution to the situation in the area and to include in all agreements human rights components in accordance with international humanitarian law in all future agreements and not only political ones.
(1) "Back to a Routine of Torture, Torture and Ill-Treatment of Palestinian Detainees during Arrest, Detention and Interrogation", The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, Jerusalem September 2001-April 2003, page 88.
(2) Palestine Red Crescent Society, Conflict Deaths by Age and Gender, Sept. 29.2000 to April 20, 2005.
(3) Israel and the Occupied territories, conflict, occupation and patriarchy: Women carry the burden, Amnesty International, 31 March 2005, pages 1,3.
For more information, please contact OMCT's Violence against Women Programme at the following email address:
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