Thursday, July 6, 2023.
Jenin camp was established in 1953.
There are 23,628* Palestine Refugees registered in the camp as of 2022.
Population density in the camp is estimated at over 56,000 per sq km.
One UNRWA health centre provides primary health care including reproductive health, infant and child care, immunizations, screening and medical check-ups and treatment.
On 5 and 6 July, in the aftermath of the Israeli military operation in Jenin camp, UNRWA teams continued with the assessment of the pressing needs of affected communities, with a focus on the most vulnerable, in coordination with humanitarian partners.
UNRWA protection teams continued with the identification of protection risks: today they started to gather details about the impact of the use of explosive weapons and airstrikes in such a densely populated area, and the impact of the use, by Israeli forces, people’s homes as temporary bases. The assessment identified acute risks in relation to unexploded ordnance (UXO), particularly in relation to children.
Awareness raising campaigns started today among camp residents and UNRWA staff, in cooperation with specialized partners.
Today’s assessment also focused on the status of UNRWA installations and facilities, including on safety of access to services. The camp’s main road is still not passable to a large extent, affecting access to all UNRWA installations.
Several UNRWA installations were damaged collaterally during the operation. The UNRWA health centre was substantially damaged to the extent that large parts of it are not usable. The generator was working properly, and accordingly the cold chain for medicines and vaccines was maintained undisrupted. To guarantee some business continuity, since the morning of 06 July, UNRWA has been operating a temporary health facility within the grounds of a nearby Palestinian Authority school, providing minimal healthcare support, in the form of medications and referral to specialized service providers. The recent military operation confirmed the need to relocate the health centre to another location where it is not exposed to violence.
The four schools of UNRWA have sustained minor damage. Resuming catch-up education services for 1,700 Palestine Refugee students remains a priority for UNRWA. However, education premises must be repaired before students and teachers can safely resume learning and teaching. The water network and WASH facilities also need to function again ahead of reopening the schools, and the area around these premises will be prioritized for repair. Testing of water quality will also be critical before the network can be deemed reliable. The absence of water and electricity in the camp can have detrimental effects on children's well-being and safety. It may impact their access to clean drinking water, sanitation facilities, and proper hygiene practices, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases and other health issues.
The water and electricity networks have sustained significant damage across the camp. Most of UNRWA installations were without electricity or water on 5 July, while by 6 July electricity was restored in some installations. Preliminary assessment from the WASH cluster found that eight kms of the water line in the camp and two to three kms of the sewage line were damaged.
The UNRWA Crisis Intervention Unit Team identified at least 350 families who remained in the camp were negatively impacted due to the military operation. It is anticipated that the number of affected households will increase due to the massive damage that occurred. UNRWA plans to prioritize the most affected families with cash assistance for rental subsidy, major and minor repairs, and is proceeding with a rapid multi-sector assessment.
The material, physical and psychological harm suffered by the community in Jenin camp reached an extraordinary level that requires a comprehensive and coordinated response, also including major infrastructure work, shelter reconstruction and repair and psychological support to address mental health impact.