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UNRWA Situation Report #144 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. All information from 14-16 October 2024, is valid as of 16 October 2024 at 22:30 (local time)


Key Points

The Gaza Strip

  • Strikes by Israeli Security Forces (ISF) continue, with aerial, land and maritime bombardments across the Gaza Strip, resulting in civilian casualties and the destruction of residential structures and public infrastructure.
  • Continuous shelling, airstrikes and armed clashes have severely intensified over the past weeks in northern Gaza, where over 400,000 people remain sheltering. During a briefing to the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Gaza on 16 October, Joyce Msuya, Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, highlighted that since the beginning of October, over 55,000 people are estimated to have been displaced from the Jabalia area, while others remain stranded in their homes with water and food running out.
  • Only three of the ten hospitals in the north are operational – and those only at minimum capacity. The facilities are facing dire shortages of fuel, blood, trauma treatment and medications, and women are giving birth under heavy bombardment.
  • On 15 October, the UN Secretary-General Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric stated that, despite the recent evacuation of some patients from Kamal Adwan hospital in the north, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the facility remains overwhelmed, receiving between 50 and 70 new injured patients each day. Dujarric added that humanitarian partners in northern Gaza report that there is barely any food left to distribute and most bakeries will be forced to shut down again in just days without any additional fuel.
  • The first phase of the second round of the polio vaccination campaign took place between 14-16 October in the Gaza middle area. UNRWA, WHO, UNICEF and partners vaccinated over 181,000 children and provided over 148,000 children with Vitamin A doses. With over 600 staff involved, UNRWA teams have administered 40 per cent of the vaccines and 41 per cent of the Vitamin A supplement.
  • According to the WASH Cluster, coordination for the winterization strategy, which involves preparations for the rainy season, is ongoing despite significant operational challenges. The Palestinian Water Authority reports that up to 85 per cent of water and sanitation facilities are currently out of service, which has resulted in a drastic reduction in water supply, the discharge of untreated wastewater into the sea, and sewage leakage into populated areas. In an assessment covering September 2024, the WASH cluster highlighted that about two thirds of families in the Gaza Strip are reported to have access to less than 6 litres of water per person per day, with only a quarter of families having access to soap.
  • According to the UN, at least 1.9 million people – or about 90 per cent of the population – across the Gaza Strip are internally displaced. Many have been displaced repeatedly, some 10 times or more.
  • As of 15 October 2024, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza as reported by OCHA, at least 42,344 Palestinians have reportedly been killed in Gaza and 99,013 have been reported injured (between 7 October 2023 and 15 October 2024).
  • As of 16 October, the total number of UNRWA team members killed since 7 October 2023 is 231.
  • Several challenges continue to stand in the way of collecting much needed humanitarian supplies from the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing point in southern Gaza. These include deteriorating law and order, war and insecurity, damaged infrastructure, fuel shortages and access restrictions. According to OCHA, only 93 humanitarian trucks were permitted to enter the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing from 1 to 7 October 2024. This represents a daily average of only 13 humanitarian trucks, the third lowest number since October 2023. This is well below the pre-crisis average of 500 trucks per working day.
  • Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Joyce Msuya pointed out that, throughout Gaza, less than a third of the 286 humanitarian missions coordinated with Israeli authorities in the first two weeks of October were facilitated without major incidents or delays. During the same period, just one out of 54 coordinated movements to the north via the Al Rashid checkpoint was facilitated by Israeli authorities, while another four were impeded but eventually accomplished. Eighty-five per cent of the movements were denied and the rest were impeded or canceled, due to security or logistical issues.
  • According to OCHA, as of 13 October, 1,033 UN and International NGO trucks were in Al Arish ready to be dispatched to Gaza.
  • The latest information on supplies entering Gaza can be accessed through the below link:

Gaza Supplies and Dispatch Tracking | UNRWA

The West Bank, including East Jerusalem

The West Bank, including East Jerusalem update is now once a week.

  • According to OCHA, between 7 October 2023 and 30 September 2024, 695 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, this includes 160 children according to UNICEF.

Overall Situation

The Gaza Strip

  • As of 15 October 2024, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza as reported by OCHA, at least 42,344 Palestinians have reportedly been killed in Gaza and 99,013 have been reported injured (between 7 October 2023 and 15 October 2024).

Humanitarian Access, Protection of Civilians

  • UNRWA is working to verify the details of incidents that reportedly impact UNRWA premises. Further information will be provided once it becomes available.
  • During the reporting period, five new incidents have been reported impacting UNRWA installations and internally displaced people (IDPs) sheltering there, including UNRWA personnel. During the same period, one new incident has been reported impacting an UNRWA installation:
    • On 14 October 2024, three children were reportedly injured in an UNRWA school in Jabalia camp, northern Gaza, due to an Israeli airstrike in the vicinity of the school. They were transferred to hospital.
    • On 14 October 2024, the Israeli Army reportedly fired shells inside and outside an UNRWA distribution centre in Jabalia, resulting in ten fatalities and over 40 people injured. This occurred when civilians were trying to get food from the centre. Reports indicate that ambulances could not reach several injured people.
    • On 14 October 2024, 13 IDPs were reportedly injured in an UNRWA school in Jabalia due to Israeli Army unmanned aerial vehicles fire. The injuries were transferred to hospital in Jabalia camp, northern Gaza Strip.
    • On 14 October 2024, initial reports indicate that a number of IDPs were injured inside an UNRWA school in Jabalia camp due to Israeli Army tank shelling. Further verification of the details of the incident is ongoing.
    • On 16 October 2024, an UNRWA distribution centre was reportedly severely damaged by Israeli Army troops during the ongoing military operation in Jabalia.
    • On 16 October 2024, the Israeli Army ordered the evacuation of an UNRWA school in Jabalia in preparation for striking a location nearby. IDPs sheltering inside the school and in two other UNRWA shelters located in close proximity reportedly evacuated the area and moved towards Beit Lahiya.
  • 464* incidents impacting UNRWA premises and the people inside them have been reported since the beginning of the war (some with multiple incidents impacting the same location), including at least 74* incidents of military use and/or interference at UNRWA premises. 190* Agency installations have been impacted by munitions or subjected to armed actor interference through these incidents. UNRWA estimates that, in total, at least 563* IDPs sheltering in UNRWA installations have been killed and at least 1,790* injured since the start of the war. UNRWA is verifying the number of casualties caused by these incidents.

*Since the start of the war, latest figures are continuously under review as UNRWA gains access to locations that were previously inaccessible and as further verification occur. Total summary figures will be published once further verification has been conducted, noting that these numbers are subject to change once verifications have been conducted.

UNRWA Response

The Gaza Strip


  • According to the Health Cluster, UNRWA remains one of the largest health actors operating in the Gaza Strip, contributing to over half of the people reached with health services since 7 October 2023. Between 7 October 2023 and 29 September 2024, UNRWA provided over 5.87 million medical consultations across the Gaza Strip. In addition to medical consultations, UNRWA (in partnership with and support from other UN agencies, including UNICEF and WHO) continues to provide vaccines, with over 193,000 children vaccinated between the start of 2024 until 22 September 2024.
  • As of 14 October, seven out of 27[2] UNRWA health centres were operational in Gaza. Health services were also provided by 84 mobile medical teams working in 43 medical points inside and outside IDP shelters in the middle area, Khan Younis, Mawasi and Gaza. UNRWA health facilities provide primary health care, including outpatient services, non-communicable disease (NCD) care, medications, vaccinations, antenatal and postnatal health care, laboratory services, dental services, physiotherapy and dressings for the injured. The number of operational health facilities changes constantly based on demand, access and security.
  • The first phase of the second round of the polio vaccination campaign took place between 14-16 October in the Gaza middle area. Over 181,000 children received the vaccine and over 148,000 children received Vitamin A doses.
  • As of 14 October, 1,161 UNRWA health staff continued to work in health centres, temporary clinics and medical points across the Gaza Strip, providing 16,121 medical consultations on that day.
  • UNRWA continued to provide mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services in the middle and Khan Younis areas, with teams of psychiatrists and supervisors to assist special cases referred from UNRWA health centres and shelters. On 14 October, UNRWA teams responded to 472 cases in health centres and at medical points through individual consultations, awareness sessions and to address cases of gender-based violence (GBV).
  • On 14 October, UNRWA medical teams provided care for 403 post-natal and pregnant women at high risk.
  • On 14 October, UNRWA teams provided oral health services in dental stations and mobile dental clinics, reaching 770 patients, including referred cases from remote dental consultations.
  • On 14 October, 280 patients received physiotherapy rehabilitation services in health centres and medical points.
  • Stocks of medicines in UNRWA health facilities are low and at least 56 items will run out by November. UNRWA laboratory services are now limited to four tests out of nearly 35 that were provided before 7 October 2023 due to zero stock of most laboratory supplies. All laboratory equipment requires maintenance or replacement.

Psychosocial support (PSS)

  • UNRWA remains the largest provider of emergency learning and psychosocial support (PSS) across the Gaza Strip. Around 660,000 children continue to be out of school since the beginning of the war. On 1 August 2024, UNRWA began to roll out its first phase response of “Back to Learning” with a focus on mental health activities. This is taking place in up to 45 UNRWA schools-turned-shelters[2] by expanding ongoing PSS activities, focusing on arts, music and sports and raising awareness on the risks of explosive ordnance, with the support of nearly 750[3] school counsellors and up to 500 teachers. UNRWA continues to provide lifesaving PSS services in Gaza, including psychological first aid (PFA), individual and group counselling, fatigue management sessions, recreational activities, Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) and protection cash assistance, reaching children, youth and adults.
  • Since the onset of the conflict and up to 16 October, around 720,000 IDPs, including over 510,000 children, have benefited from 263,839 PSS sessions/activities. Between 9 and 16 October, a total of 15,331 IDPs have accessed these services.
  • Following the roll out of the UNRWA “Back to Learning” programme in UNRWA shelters, more than 11,500 children, 56 per cent of whom are girls, have benefited from this initiative. Between 9 and 16 October, 11,310 children (5,006 boys, 6,304 girls, including 368 children with disabilities) participated in a variety of “Back to Learning” activities, including basic literacy and numeracy sessions, PSS sessions, and recreational activities such as arts, music and sports. The activities were conducted daily across 74 temporary learning spaces in 36 shelters, for an average of seven hours per day.
  • Since the war began, UNRWA’s social work team has provided services to 184,012[4] IDPs, including psychological first aid, psychosocial support services, family and individual activities, as well as case management. These interventions aim to address family issues and strengthen relationships.
  • Since the war began, protection services were provided to 1,500 survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) and 2,408 children, including 1,335 unaccompanied children, covering reunification, safe sheltering, medication, dignity kits and non-food items (NFIs) through referrals. The team also supported 19,632 persons with disabilities with PSS; 7,751 of these individuals received assistive devices and rehabilitation services. Awareness sessions on GBV, child protection, disability and special needs, as well as managing social and psychological stressors were conducted for 115,791 IDPs.

Food security

  • From 7 October 2023 to 3 October 2024, a total of 380,236 families (nearly 1.9 million people) have been reached with two rounds of flour; 366,944 of those families have received three rounds.
  • UNRWA continues to distribute food parcels in the southern governorates. These include[5] flour, rice, chickpeas, lentils, cheese, hummus and canned fish, and are designed to cover approximately 90 per cent of daily calorific needs per quarter. To date, nearly 1.15 million people have been reached, of whom nearly 215,000 people have received two rounds of food parcels since the war started.
  • In addition to the distribution of UNRWA food parcels, the Agency distributes food parcels on behalf of other UN organisations, reaching around 1.4 million people.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

  • Since October 2023, UNRWA has carried out emergency WASH activities across the Gaza Strip. Main activities include the operation and continued maintenance of water wells, desalination systems and water through water trucking and bottled water. In addition, UNRWA continues to distribute hygiene kits and maintain hygiene in UNRWA shelters and sites through providing cleaning supplies, community-based solid waste management and pest control.

  • UNRWA continues to be one of the largest WASH actors in the Gaza Strip. Since the beginning of the war, the Agency has maintained and rehabilitated eight wells, reaching over 600,000 IDPs with access to water. In September 2024, UNRWA was able to provide over 70,000 m3 of domestic water. In Jabalia, UNRWA rehabilitated a well which supports over 20,000 IDPs. With the available fleet for sanitation, UNRWA continues to provide a solid waste collection and transfer service in the Khan Younis, middle area and Gaza areas. In September, more than 6,000 tons of waste were collected from camps and emergency shelters. In addition to waste management and collection, over 400 manholes have been cleaned in preparation for winter along with other winterization activities including the removal of debris in the streets and support for flood-prone areas.

  • [1] Pre-conflict, UNRWA had 22 health centres. Following the onset of the conflict, an additional five temporary health centres were established for a total of 27.

    [2] Initially reaching 45 UNRWA schools/shelters, "Back to Learning" will gradually expand to 94 schools in future phases.

    [3] 176 school counsellors and 566 assistant counsellors.

    [4] Results from 7 October 2023 to 8 October 2024.

    [5] The composition of the food parcel may change based on food item availability.

Quote from Sam Rose, Senior Deputy Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza:

“This polio campaign is critical, but while we protect children with vaccines, they will continue to die and suffer each day until there is a comprehensive and lasting ceasefire, which is needed more urgently than ever.”


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