Ramallah. 6 March 2013. “Together We Stand”… a project to empower youth in Palestine will be launched in March 2013 with generous financial support of US$ 707,000 by the Government of Japan to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
UNFPA, in partnership with its national partners across the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, will work towards protecting and empowering Palestinian youth (18-24) affected by the complex humanitarian situation. The project is formulated as a comprehensive, multi-sectoral youth programme that integrates life-skills enhancement for employability, community and civic participation, and healthy lifestyles.
“UNFPA sincerely appreciates the generous contribution to this project, which was formulated as part of the humanitarian Consolidated Appeal (CAP) for Palestine (2012 – 2013). UNFPA is uniquely positioned to work with and through young people. This support demonstrates Japan’s commitment to improve the lives and well-being of Palestinian youth.” Ms. Elke Mayrhofer, UNFPA Acting Representative in Palestine, said.
Japan’s contribution will support UNFPA to reach out to disadvantaged youth in marginalized geographical areas, working closely with governmental and non-governmental partners toward the following results:
- Increased active representation and participation of female and male youth toward community mobilization and cohesion
- Strengthened youth employability prospects
- Improved youth life skills, with special focus on healthy life styles and gender relations
“The Japanese Government and its people are pleased to support the talented Palestinian youth in difficult economic and social circumstances and harness their potential” said Mr. Junya Matsuura, Representative of Japan to the Palestinian Authority. “Our support to UNFPA also aims at developing their human resources and enhancing employment opportunity”, he added.
For more information, please contact:
UNFPA: Ziad Yaish, yaish@unfpa.org, Tel: 02-581 7297;
Sima Alami, alami@unfpa.org, Tel: 02-581 7297
Japan Representative Office: Diala Zaineddin-Dodin, diala@mofa.go.jp, Tel: 02-2413120