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Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories, Vol. 23 No. 1, January-February 2013



  • Election Observations Benjamin Netanyahu will lead Israel’s next government, offering the Likud Party leader the chance to become Israel’s longest-serving prime minister since Israel’s founder David Ben Gurion. Under his unchallenged leadership, the Likud Party, however, emerged from the 2013 election much diminished from the 27 seats it won in 2009, when it was able to construct a stable coalition between the religious and ideological right that withstood the U.S.-led international effort to contain Israel’s long-term program of settlement expansion and occupation.

  • TO Our readers President Obama’s decision to visit Israel in March is welcome news. He will go amidst clashing domestic priorities and even before a new Israeli government is fully established because he recognizes that hopes for a two-state peace are disappearing. Israel’s new government, notwithstanding the emergence of the centrist Yesh Atid party, will still be dominated by rightist settler and religious elements, and the Palestinians remain divided. Unless pressed by the U.S., a leadership-led move toward peace is most unlikely

  • Ma’ale Adumim–E1 Map

  • Knesset Elections Table

  • Ma’ale Adumim Details

In the early 1970s, Israel’s Labor government considered a plan to expand the boundaries of Jerusalem eastward by establishing an industrial zone and settlement on the Jerusalem-Jericho road. In winter 1975, on the seventh night of Hanukkah, the group Gush Emmunim erected a prefabricated concrete structure and two wooden huts six kilometers east of Jerusalem . They did so without government authorization but with Defense Minister Shimon Peres’s active support.

  • Settlement Construction Tenders