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Report on the Human Rights Situation in the oPt - 1st Quarter of 2014


For the First time, PCHR Issues Quarterly Report on Human Rights Situation in oPt

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) has issued a quarterly report, which is the first of its kind, focusing on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) during the first quarter of this year (01 January – 31 March 2014).

PCHR has innovated this kind of reports because of the need for continuously providing information on human rights situation throughout the year, whether on the level of Israeli violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws in oPt or the level of human rights violations and obstacles against democratic transformation relevant to the Palestinian Authority.

PCHR has been using different mechanisms since it was established in 1995 to disseminate information related to human rights violations. The most significant of which have been PCHR's annual reports, press releases, weekly reports and specialized reports. However, in view of the demands and need of many bodies, including diplomatic ones and international organizations, and due to the ongoing deterioration of human rights, PCHR has decided to issue quarterly reports on human rights situation.

This report is considered an important means for providing the information and data collected and documented by PCHR accurately as part of its constant follow-up of human rights violations in order to maintain the effectiveness of PCHR's work.