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Post Evaluation: Environmental and Social Safeguards Management Gaza Health Emergency Response Project (P503036) October 2024


1. Introduction

This post-review assesses the environmental and social (E&S) aspects of the portable toilet units’ installations and fuel procurement activities conducted under the Gaza Health Emergency Response Project. In the absence of initial E&S guidelines during implementation phase, this report retrospectively evaluates E&S safeguards management activities, identifies key challenges, and outlines recommendations for future E&S actions, with a focus on improvements where needed or feasible. As part of WHO’s due diligence to ensure that retroactive financing activities comply with World Bank Environmental, Social, Health, and Safety (ESHS) standards, a postevaluation was conducted on the toilet refurbishment and fuel procurement activities, implemented between April to July 2024. Theevaluation examines the implementation of mitigation measures for the risks identified during the E&S screening. The annexed screening reports have been reviewed and discussed with the World Bank.