Period covered by this update:
10 December 2013 to 10 February 2014.
CHF150,817 CHF was allocated from the IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 16th of December 2013 to support the Palestine Red Crescent Society(PRCS)in delivering assistance to some 6,000 beneficiaries, and to replenish the used contingency stocks.
This operation is expected to be implemented in two months, and completed by 10 February 2014. In line with the Federation reporting standards, the Final Report (narrative and financial) is due 90 days after the end of the operation (by 10 May 2013).
The announced extreme heavy rain fall and snow storms hit the West Bank and Gaza on 10 December 2013 and are still striking throughout Palestine. The heavy rain and snow has generated floods in several parts of Palestine and20families have been evacuated from their houses with the support of PRCS. One baby in Gaza was reported dead, as the family’s home was inundated.
PRCS proactively activated its four operation rooms in the West Bank and Gaza Monday 10 December in preparation for the arrival of the expected heavy rain fall and PRCS emergency teams have operated continuously to respond to the emerging needs.
The European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO) Funds and the Netherlands Government have contributed towards the replenishing the DREF allocation made for this operation. The major donors and partners of DREF include the Australian, American and Belgian governments, the Austrian Red Cross, the Canadian Red Cross and government, Danish Red Cross and government, DG ECHO, the Irish and the Italian governments, the Japanese Red Cross Society, the Luxembourg government, the Monaco Red Cross and government, the Netherlands Red Cross and government, the Norwegian Red Cross and government, the Spanish Government, the Swedish Red Cross and government, the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), the Medtronic and Z Zurich Foundations, and other corporate and private donors.
IFRC, on behalf of the National Society, would like to extend thanks to all for their generous contributions.