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OPT: PRCS holds a scientific day for its psychosocial workers

Al Bireh: PRCS Psychosocial Department held on the 15th of December 2009 its Scientific Day for Psychosocial Workers with the participation of around 100 employees and volunteers working in psychosocial fields.

This Annual Scientific Day, which discusses the latest developments in psycho-social health, was held at the City Inn Hotel in Ramallah and was attended by a number of PRCS Heads of Departments. Participants discussed personal experiences and individual memory as tackled by the film entitled "Suda' (Headache)" and directed by Ra'ed Andoni.

The scientific day started with an opening session featuring a number of speeches. The first speech was given by Mr. Rabah Jabr, PRCS Head of Operations and Programmes, who commended the efforts of staff working within the community-based psycho-social support program which he considered as the most developed PRCS program.

Mr. Jabr said this encounter is held to follow-up on developments in the field of psycho-social work in order to enhance PRCS's community based program and, as such, positively impact all PRCS programs.

Jabr also gave a number of figures which confirm the huge success of this program whose total beneficiaries from early 2005 to the end of 2008 are estimated at 185.162 persons. He also lauded the key financial, moral and technical role played by PRCS partners in support of this program.

Dr. Anwar Dweikat, Head of the Primary Health Care Department, also took the floor to commend the great role played by psychosocial workers mainly in rural communities. He spoke of the huge achievements of the community-based program within local communities.

Dr. Fathi Fleifel, Head of PRCS's Psychosocial Department, underlined the efforts made by psychosocial workers, saying that the film "Headache" will shed light on how to handle personality changes and personality dynamics.

During this Scientific Day, recommendations adopted by the Psychosocial Conference held last year were presented and the achieved recommendations were underlined.

It is to be noted that the film "Headache" is being screened at the Dubai Film Festival, and it will compete at an international film festival to be held in the USA next month.


Palestine Red Crescent Society
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