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OPT: Epidemiological bulletin for Gaza Strip vol 1, issue 14



Epidemiological weeks 42-45 of 2009

N. of Reporting Units 17/17

Population under surveillance 869 375

- The number of people under surveillance for this reporting period is 869 375 out of 1 073 303 (81%) Palestine refugees registered with UNRWA in the Gaza Strip. This number corresponds to beneficiaries accessing UNRWA health services in 2008;

- The reporting completeness for epiweeks 42-45 of 2009 was 100%;

- The number of consultations in the period 42-45 weeks shows a stationary trend with minor fluctuations, but generally lower than previous weeks.

- Watery diarrhoea as well as acute bloody diarrhoea and viral hepatitis remain the major causes of morbidity among reportable infectious diseases in the refugee population of the Gaza Strip. During weeks forty two-forty five, the morbidity trend of watery diarrhoeas in the <3 years shows a stationary trend with a small increase in week forty five. Watery diarrhoea in the >3 years age group, bloody diarrhoea and hepatitis show a fluctuating trend. Incidence of typhoid is mostly steady in the reporting period.