Gaza Strip
- People Reached 1.61M
- Supplies for (People) 583.1K
The month of October was dominated by the huge impact of the incursion on North Gaza, which started on 5 October and continues going into November.
There are an estimated 100,000 people who have been displaced to Gaza governorate, leaving an estimated 75,000 people remaining in North Gaza. Access to North Gaza remained severely restricted, and there was little or no possibility of resupplying the hospitals there.
Some primary healthcare service points have moved south with the population whilst others have closed leaving only the three hospitals as the main sources of healthcare services. The three hospitals are barely functioning due to severe shortages of medicines, medical supplies, fuel, food, water and other necessities.
There is now an estimated over 355,000 people in Gaza governorate as there has been very little movement to the southern governorates. This increase in population translates to increased needs across different sectors. Health Cluster partners initiated scale-up activities in the Gaza governorate to support the influx of the displaced population and patients who were evacuated from North Gaza to hospitals in Gaza City.
During the month the Second Round of the Polio Vaccination Campaign was conducted in the southern governorates of Gaza with 96% coverage. The campaign for northern governorates of Gaza was delayed to first week of November due to the insecurity in North Gaza. Click here for more details on the campaign
West Bank
- People Reached 168.6K
- Supplies for (People) 15.7K
In October, the humanitarian concerns in West Bank were a result of increased settler violence, demolitions, and restriction of movement. OCHA documented nearly 270 incidents perpetrated by Israeli settlers against Palestinians and their property in about 110 communities across the West Bank, the majority of which were related to the olive harvest season. Of the total number of incidents, more than half resulted in casualties or property damage affecting about 85 communities, with 59 Palestinians injured by Israeli settlers. The high rate of settler attacks and restricted access to agricultural land is likely to decrease the yield of the 2024 olive harvest season, and threaten the ability to maintain their livelihoods potentially increasing humanitarian needs.
For more information: West Bank report on Casualties, Property Damage and displacement - October 2024