Newsflash | 11 January 2010
This month, the Netherlands will increase its contribution to the development of the Palestinian civil security sector in the West Bank. The number of Dutch personnel participating in the EU Police Coordinating Office for Palestinian Police (EUPOL COPPS) will rise from two to five. The Netherlands will also finance the construction of a prison and a police training centre in Jericho.
EUPOL COPPS, whose participants include Norway, Canada and 17 EU member states, is assisting the build-up of the Palestinian police and advising on the organisation of the justice sector. The emphasis is on Palestinian ownership in accordance with the highest international standards. EUPOL COPPS is playing a major role in institutional development relating to the rule of law, while supporting the international community in formulating policy in this crucial area.
As of this week, the Netherlands is also providing two officers to the United States Security Coordinator, Lieutenant General Keith W. Dayton, in Ramallah. The USSC's programme is aimed at improving the quality of the security services and the Palestinian Authority's Presidential Guard. The two Dutch officers will provide leadership training to the middle ranks of the security services.
'With this increase, the Netherlands is working actively to help promote peace and stability in Israel and the Palestinian Territories,' said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maxime Verhagen.