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Medical Teams International Ships Medicines to West Bank

Medical Teams International sent $398,754 worth of Omnicef antibiotics to the West Bank and Jerusalem this month. The shipment arrived safely for distribution on Dec. 1st as part of a partnership with Abbott Laboratories, International Orthodox Christian Charities, American Near East Refugee Aid and Medical Teams International.

Omnicef is used by medical professionals to treat pneumonia and bronchitis, as well as a broad range of common bacterial sinus, ear and skin infections.

"This antibiotic is typically not available in this region. We will be able to help thousands with this life-saving resource," says David Beltz, director of commodity support for Medical Teams International.

Since July 1, 2009, Medical Teams International has procured and distributed more than $54 million in medicines and medical supplies to help provide healing to thousands of people globally. To find out more about our work worldwide, visit

Medical Teams International is a member of The Partnership for Quality Medical Donations alliance. Our medical supply program has shipped $1.3 billion worth of supplies since 1986. In 2009, we shipped medical aid to 45 countries worth $126 million.

Author: Chiqui Flowers