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Insights on Child Marriage: Discussions on Gender-Based Violence


Introduction to Gender-Based Violence at UNRWA

From July 2023 to March 2024, UNRWA conducted primary and secondary research on Palestine refugee community perceptions of Gender-Based Violence (GBV). This research, which included focus group discussions (FGD) and Key Informant Interviews (KII), sought to capture thematic priorities and key trends related to GBV to better inform evidence-based gender-responsive policies, programmes and survivor-centred services provided by the Agency. Reflections from over 600 community members of all ages across UNRWA’s five fields of operation revealed four recurring thematic GBV priorities: domestic violence, child marriage, violence in schools and sexual violence. This brief is part of a series which will present insights on the prevalence, causes and impact of these forms of GBV on the Palestine refugee community. These briefs accompany UNRWA’s longer report encompassing findings, analysis and recommendations across all GBV themes emerging from the research across all five operational contexts. In Gaza, the research was conducted prior to 7 October 2023 and serves as a unique snapshot of community perceptions prior to this date.