CAIRO – Germany provided a critical lifeline for millions across the Middle East and North Africa in 2024 contributing EUR 278.4 million to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to support its emergency humanitarian assistance and long-term development programmes in the region.
This significant funding contribution comes during a particularly challenging year for the region marked by conflict, wide displacement, and political upheaval compounded by unprecedented economic downturn and instability, as well as the climate crisis.
"Germany’s important support allows WFP to provide life-saving food to families in their most desperate moments, and also to overcome the deeper challenges that keep people trapped in hunger,” said Corinne Fleischer, WFP Regional Director for the Middle East and Northern Africa and Eastern Europe. “Doing both is vital in a region where crises overlap and leave millions vulnerable. Germany’s contributions are not just funding. They’re a cornerstone of hope for those who struggle to feed their families and who strive to rebuild their lives and secure a better future."
In 2024, Germany’s funding strengthened WFP’s emergency response in Gaza, where over a million people received urgent food assistance every month. Additionally, flexible funding provided by Germany allowed WFP to respond swiftly to emerging crises across the region, ensuring that critical aid could reach those most in need without delay. This flexibility has proven particularly vital in addressing overlapping crises, such as climate shocks and rising food prices that add to challenges facing vulnerable populations.
Germany’s contributions reflect a balanced approach, addressing immediate humanitarian needs while supporting long-term development programmes that tackle the root causes of hunger. Through support from the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), WFP has implemented initiatives that empower communities to build their resilience and help them become self-reliant. These programmes include supporting smallholder farmers in Jordan, fostering school-meals programmes in Yemen and promoting sustainable agricultural practices in Lebanon.
Funding from the Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) enabled WFP to provide life-saving assistance in some of the region’s most challenging contexts. In Gaza, despite severe security constraints WFP reached 1.1 million people with critical food aid each month. In Lebanon, the continuous funding enabled WFP to support Syrian refugees, including during the recent conflict. Similarly, in Syria, WFP delivered immediate assistance to displaced populations, following the escalations in Lebanon, and expanded its Targeted Food Assistance programme to reach the most food-insecure households throughout 2024. In Jordan, GFFO support helped vulnerable Syrian refugees meet essential food needs through cash-based transfers, benefiting both refugees and local economies.
Complementing these efforts, funding from the BMZ has been essential for resilience-building and development programmes. In Jordan, WFP partnered with the government to enhance social protection systems, ensuring they are inclusive and shock-responsive. In Lebanon, BMZ supported the Shock-Responsive Social Safety Net (SRSN), providing critical funds for the roll out of the initiative. In Yemen, BMZ funding supported malnutrition treatment and prevention programs for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women and girls, addressing both acute and chronic hunger.
For more information please contact (email address:
Martin Rentsch, WFP/Berlin, Mob +49 160 99 26 17 30
Reem Nada, WFP/Cairo, Mob. +2010 6663 4522