On 23 October, the UNRWA Gaza Training Centre (GTC) welcomed a delegation from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), a long-time a strategic partner of the Agency. As UNRWA continues to develop its vocational training programmes to improve the chances of Palestine refugees to compete in local labour markets, UNRWA found a willing donor partner in GIZ. With GIZ support, UNRWA has been able to provide innovative sector training, such as installation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems.
The GIZ delegation visited the UNRWA Gaza Training Centre where they met with the female cohort of the newly developed solar energy training course in a newly equipped workshop funded under the GIZ Gaza Resilience Project. Inspiring young Palestine refugee women shared their aspirations and expectations for the future with the delegation. They also discussed GIZ’s current partnership with UNRWA and further possibilities for cooperation in the future.
Michaela Baur, Head of Department for Europe, Mediterranean and Central Asia at GIZ said, “I am very happy about our strong and strategic partnership with UNRWA and the innovative ways we are working together to enhance the chances of youth – and especially of young women - to compete in the labour market and to nurture entrepreneurship. I am impressed by the young women we met today and their ambition to develop professionally and to work in what often is considered male-dominated professions. We should support them as much as we can, and I wish them best of luck!”
“Yes, I’m very happy that we could launch the new activity which we have to regulate together with UNRWA as GIZ. I think this is a very proud moment because of many reasons; it is a very interesting approach. On one hand, the TEVT is really one of many good ways to find the prospective in the labour market and maybe to find a job opportunity as a self-employed or as an enterprise. This is wonderful and the other thing I liked a lot is to see all these girls very ambitious. Yes! Driving for a new job opportunity in a typically male dominated profession so far, is now also a female profession.”
The Government of Germany has been a strong partner to the Agency. In 2018 alone, Germany contributed US$ 177.4 million to the Agency, helping to provide life-saving and development services to Palestine refugees across the Middle East. In 2019, Germany contributions amounted to US$ 100 million so far (as of mid-October).