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Detention Bulletin, March 2011


March 2011 - Overview

This month saw a small increase in the number of children prosecuted by the Israeli military courts and imprisoned. The detention figures rose by two percent compared with the previous month – the first increase in several months.

Of more concern is the relatively high number of young children (12-15 years) being held – which for the second consecutive month remained at 45 children. On a positive note, there are currently no children being held without charge or trial in administrative detention, and there are no girls in detention.

During the month, DCI-Palestine collected seven testimonies from children arrested by the Israeli army in the West Bank. Six out of the seven children (85%) report being physically assaulted, and four children (57%) report being verbally abused, either during their arrest, transfer or subsequent interrogation.

In all seven cases (100%), the children’s hands were restrained, and in six out of the seven cases (85%), the children’s hands were tied behind their backs with a single plastic hand tie - a procedure that violates Israeli army regulations.