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Al Mezan Welcomes Signing Palestinian Reconciliation Agreement in Egypt

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights received with satisfaction the announcement from Cairo, Egypt, of the signing a reconciliation agreement between Fateh and Hamas movements to end the Palestinian internal split.

Al Mezan welcomes the agreement and hopes that the efforts would continue to ensure its evolution into full reconciliation. Al Mezan asserts the importance of establishing reconciliation on engaging Palestinian political powers and civil society, as well as on the full respect of the rule of law and human rights.

Al Mezan re-asserts that the occupied Palestinian territory is under occupation under the international law, which requires Palestinian political powers and civil society to exert all their efforts to confront the systematic and grave Israeli violations of international law towards the realization of Palestinian self-determination. The end of the Palestinian internal split will push forward the Palestinian cause internationally.

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights reiterates welcoming the agreement and calls on the Palestinian political powers and international community to exert more efforts to support the full achievement of the Palestinian reconciliation.