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15 UK NGOs deeply disappointed by the UK government's failure to support UN resolution that sought to bring an end to Israel’s illegal occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory

As a collective voice of UK humanitarian, development, human rights, and faith-based agencies working in and on the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, we welcome the passing of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution endorsing the International Court of Justice’s Advisory Opinion on the ‘Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem’. The vote passed with 124 votes in favour, 43 abstentions, including the UK, and 14 against. We are deeply disappointed by the UK Government's decision not to align with the majority of its international counterparts by supporting this historic resolution to uphold international law.

On July 19, 2024, two months ago today, The ICJ unequivocally concluded that Israel's ongoing occupation of Palestinian territory is illegal and must be brought to an end. It also emphasised the legal responsibility of third states to act in ensuring the end of Israel’s unlawful occupation. The UNGA resolution outlined clear steps toward advancing this goal, including ending Israel’s settlements. However, the UK’s stance reveals a stark contrast between rhetoric and action. Despite stating that Israel should swiftly end its presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the UK failed to back the UNGA resolution that sought to implement the ICJ’s recommendations towards that goal.

The UK missed an opportunity to join international efforts aimed at collectively ending the illegal settlement expansion and settler violence, despite the growing need for coordinated action. In 2024, settlement expansion and settler violence has intensified with a rise in Palestinian fatalities, displacement, and widespread destruction of homes and infrastructure as the Israeli military and settlers escalate military operations and unlawful demolitions. While the UK voiced concern on the illegal settlements and rising settler violence in the West Bank, these concerns are not met with actions that adequately address the overwhelming humanitarian and human rights crisis faced by Palestinians.

While the UK cannot reverse its vote, the UK Government must step up and take decisive action to ensure the implementation of this resolution. As demanded by the ICJ, the UK must ensure that they do not recognise as lawful, nor aid or assist, the situation created by Israel's unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian territory. We urge the UK Government to undertake a thorough review of its policy in relation to Israel, ensuring that its actions are fully aligned with its international obligations and effectively address Israel's internationally wrongful acts. The UK must fully comply with its related obligation under international law to cooperate to lawfully bring this illegal situation to an end.


  • Action Aid UK
  • Action For Humanity
  • Amos Trust
  • CARE international UK
  • Council for Arab-British Understanding (Caabu)
  • Embrace the Middle East
  • Gender Action for Peace and Security (Secretariat)
  • Global Justice Now
  • Islamic Relief UK
  • Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
  • Sabeel-Kairos UK
  • Saferworld
  • Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF)
  • Welfare Association