In Numbers
8.7 million people affected (Humanitarian Response Plan 2021)
4 states affected (Borno, Yobe and Adamawa in the northeast, and Zamfara in the northwest)
3 million people internally displaced (UNHCR, August 2021)
13 million people food-insecure during the lean season, including 4.4 million in northeast Nigeria (June-August 2021) - IPC Phase 3-4 - Cadre Harmonisé, March 2021)
Situation Update
COVID-19 affected people continued to increase in number with 171,097 cumulative cases for July. The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control reported 497 new cases on 31 July, compared to 392 on 30 June (27 percent increase).
Lagos remains the most affected location with 62,155 confirmed cases (36 percent of the national total), while 2,977 confirmed cases were recorded in northeast Nigeria, including 1,344 in Borno State; 1,134 in Adamawa State; and 499 in Yobe State. Zamfara State of northwest Nigeria reported 244 cases.
Incidents of criminal activity and inter-communal clashes impacting food, crops, and health facilities in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States increased 122 percent during June-July as compared with the same period last year.
Severe food insecurity in northeast Nigeria and Government resettlement plans in Borno State are likely to increase risks to civilians in unreached and hard-toreach areas, while disrupting food assistance and facilities provided by WFP and cooperating partners.