In Numbers
6,902 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 4.1 m cash-based transfers made
USD 54 m six months (October 2019 – March 2020) net funding requirements
722,118 people assisted in September 2019
Operational Updates
• In September, WFP continued to support food and nutrition needs of 722,118 food-insecure people in Nigeria’s northeastern States of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe. WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 369,744 Internally displaced people (IDP) and members of host communities and 1,660 newly IDPs in the three States with 5,544 mt of food (89 percent of plan) and assisted 246,638 people through mobile money or e-vouchers where enabling market functionality exists.
• Up to 2.9 million people face food and nutrition insecurity, according to the latest food and nutrition security assessment provided by the June 2019 Cadre Harmonisé. The most recent IOM displacement tracking matrix (July 2019) indicated an increased IDP population of 1.82 million in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States.
• While provision of lifesaving assistance remains paramount, WFP and partners continue to invest in long-term hunger solutions through productive asset creation and ensuring nutrition safety nets for the most vulnerable.
• WFP crisis response continues to provide preventive nutrition support integrated into food assistance. In September, WFP provided nutrition prevention and treatment assistance to 108,033 children aged 6-23 months, 5,266 children with moderate acute malnutrition, and 52,414 pregnant and lactating women.
• Under the livelihood operation, security incidents continue to affect transportation of communal asset creation materials, delaying progress in Damboa and Ngala. As a result, only 60,016 households (61 percent of plan) completed their agreed work and received food or cash assistance in the month. Livelihoods interventions will be extended until December 2019.
• Abadam, Guzamala, Kukawa and Marte local government areas remain cut off from access to basic services and are inaccessible. Distributions to a total of 49,000 people in Kukawa and Kala Balge (Rann) remain suspended due to security risks and lack of access during the rainy season. A one-off distribution informed by a security risk assessment was successfully undertaken in June and Government conducted distributions in July. Distribution is planned for October onwards.