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WFP Nigeria Country Brief, November 2024


In Numbers

1,285,763 people assisted* in November 2024

195.9 mt of food assistance distributed*

US$ 4.9 million distributed through cash-based transfers*

US$ 119.5 million six-month net funding requirement (December 2024 – May 2025)

*Estimated data from preliminary distribution report dated 11 December 2024

Situation and Operational Updates

General Food Distributions: WFP is providing beneficiaries with double rations of food entitlements in November and December as part of efforts to ensure that targeted beneficiaries have enough food to meet their basic food needs during this insecurity-prone period. Historically, the end of the year period comes with increased risks of security incidences. WFP had provided the double rations of food entitlements to 1,232,335 beneficiaries at the time of this report- 69 percent of the targeted beneficiaries for the ongoing distributions.

Flood Response: WFP has been dynamic in its support to the Borno State government's priority to ensure that vulnerable people affected by the floods are supported to rebuild their lives from the effects of the devastating floods. WFP has planned to complement the delivery of take-home rations for flood affected people with one-off multi-purpose cash transfers of NGN100,000 (approximately USD 60) that are made directly to the bank accounts of the targeted beneficiaries. In Yobe state, where the Government has begun the payment of NGN50,000 (approximately USD 30) one-off cash transfers to 25,500 vulnerable individuals across the state, WFP is providing complementary food assistance.

• Institutional Capacity Strengthening: National Identity Numbers (NIN) are a prerequisite for vulnerable people to benefit from the government-led social safety net programme. WFP has been collaborating with the Nigerian Identity Management Commission (NIMC) to ensure that more people particularly the most vulnerable are enrolled for NINs. In Banki and Bama Local Government Areas of Borno state, WFP has facilitated the NIN registrations for 120,500 internally displaced people, with plans to scale up to more areas including in Yobe state. The NIN registrations are integrated with the opening of bank accounts which give the beneficiaries access to financial services beyond the social protection programmes.

• Additionally in November, WFP facilitated an emergency preparedness training workshop for staff from 17 Yobe state Local Emergency Management Committees and the Yobe State Emergency Management Agency. The training centred around enhancing the participant’s skills in emergency preparedness, anticipatory action, risk analysis and information management.

• Climate and Shock Resilient Food Systems: In November, WFP facilitated a 12-day bootcamp on climate-smart and innovative agricultural practices in Yobe state. The training participants (which comprised of 82 representatives from the community, government agencies and academic institutions) were taught to use adaptive planting methods like the halfmoon with zia pits to reclaim land lost to desertification.