In Numbers
885,436 people assisted* in March 2024
3,451 mt of food assistance distributed*
US$ 2.1 million distributed through cash-based transfers*
US$ 155.1 million six-month net funding requirements (April – September 2024)
*Preliminary figures
Strategic Updates
- The March edition of the Cadre Harmonise analysis indicates that during the 2024 lean season, Nigeria is likely to experience the highest scale of food insecurity globally - 31.8 million people are expected to face critical hunger at crisis and emergency levels. Despite deteriorating conditions, the allocation of resources for operations in Nigeria is dwindling due to the growing intensity of global food needs.
WFP is facing resource constraints that might affect its capacity to deliver assistance to people in need. However, the Country Team is working with donors to mobilise additional funds to scale up assistance during the lean season.
Operational Updates
- In March, WFP delivered unconditional food assistance to 731,998 people using a hybrid e-voucher modality (integrated with in-kind cereals), while 65,350 people received in-kind food rations. WFP reached 83 percent of the targeted population for general food distributions despite insecurity-triggered disruptions in several distribution sites. WFP delivered nutritional support to prevent malnutrition for 12,223 children (6-59 months), pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls.
- WFP is reprioritising resources to reach more households with livelihood support in Yobe State. Amid resource constraints prompting the drastic scale-down of food assistance, WFP remains agile to sustain financial access to food for 95,600 people in Yobe State. Through cash-based transfers in the Food Assistance for Assets programme, WFP supports vulnerable households as they work together to rehabilitate or construct communal livelihood assets.
- WFP has partnered with the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) to facilitate the registration of its beneficiaries on the national identification system. Through this collaborative effort, WFP aims to leverage the extensive reach of its operations to improve access to financial services and government-provided social protection for vulnerable people in remote areas. The latest monitoring update by the protection sector shows that only 39.5 percent of households accessed within the northeast had civil documentation for all household members.