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WFP Nigeria Country Brief, April 2024


In Numbers

975,111 people assisted in April 2024

7,354 mt of food assistance distributed

US$ 1.6 million distributed through cash-based transfers

US$ 165.1 million six-month net funding requirements WFP Nigeria (May – October 2024)

Strategic Updates

• Developing sustainable solutions to the security and development challenges in Nigeria and the wider Sub-Saharan region is a priority for the Nigerian Government. In April, the Government converged a series of high-level meetings including a two-day counter-terrorism summit in Abuja, where the Nigerian President called for Africa-led and Africa-owned solutions to the challenges exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the region. The summit was widely attended by the Heads of State of more than 20 African countries, the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, regional and subregional organisations as well as civil society organisations and other high-level UN officials. Solutions discussed at the summit include the establishment of a regional counter-terrorism hub for intelligence sharing, operational coordination, and capacity strengthening.

Operational Updates

• In April, WFP delivered lifesaving food assistance to 852,562 people living in crisis-affected and crisis-prone areas of northern Nigeria. This constituted 91 percent of the targeted population reached through context-appropriate modalities. 78,579 people living in areas where markets were not functional, and 3,727 newly arrived internally displaced people fleeing from violence in areas inaccessible to humanitarian partners received in-kind food rations. In areas with operational markets, 733,243 people received food assistance through the hybrid modality of e-vouchers integrated with wheat to replace the cereal entitlements.

• Through livelihood activities to strengthen resilience to continuing shocks for vulnerable people, WFP provided cashbased transfers using PlugPay to 14,785 people. With PlugPay, WFP enables end-to-end transparent cash-based transfers directly from WFP internal accounts to beneficiary accounts. WFP-enabled resilience support also entailed on-farm advice and mentorship provided to 520 small-holder farmers on best practices to enhance their farm yields despite the ongoing dry season.

• Enhanced malnutrition screening activities and case-finding in the northeast have underscored the need to scale up support for community-based management of moderate acute malnutrition. WFP is collaborating with the nutrition sector to conduct an analysis of areas where Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programmes can be integrated with existing Outpatient Therapeutic Programme and will pilot the use of locally blended nutrient-dense food (Tom-Brown) to improve access to MAM treatment and mitigate complications.