Despite ongoing efforts to contain the current outbreak of measles in the northeast, low access to vaccines continues to hinder the response.
A total of 8,004 suspected measles cases and 21 deaths (CFR: 0.3 per cent) were reported in Borno, and 559 suspected cases and 6 deaths (CFR: 1.07 per cent) in Yobe. Measles cases have also been observed outside of the northeast, most notably in Katsina state. -
Humanitarian needs remain particularly high among people who have returned to Rann, where aid workers remained unable to provide emergency assistance to a highly vulnerable population, and in Monguno and Maiduguri's Teachers Village, where an estimated 25,000 people are still sleeping under open skies. With time running out in the run-up to the rainy seasons, government and military counterparts have remained unable to allocate additional land so that shelters,
WASH facilities and other structure can be readied. -
The WASH and health sectors are working together closely to update the cholera hotspots as well as response capacities/gaps overviews in advance of the rainy season, when the three northeast states are likely to experience seasonal cholera outbreaks
4.2 million Children in need of humanitarian assistance (Humanitarian Response Plan, 2019)
7.1 million People in need of humanitarian assistance in the northeast states of Borno, Adamawa & Yobe (HRP, 2019)
6.1 million People targeted in the northeast states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (HRP, 2019)
1.76 million Internally displaced people in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states (IOM DTM Round XXIV, January 2019)
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs
Ongoing conflict, military operations and poor living conditions resulted in 14,373 new displacements across the three northeast states during the reporting period1, which also saw the return of 2,117 refugees coming back to Nigeria from Niger and Cameroon. The highest number of movements were observed in Gwoza, Bama, Konduga and MMC Local Government Areas (LGAs), with both new IDPs and returnees identifying their priority needs as shelter, protection services, health and nutrition services, provision of food, and access to water and sanitation.
The measles outbreak continues to pose a significant threat to the lives of conflict-affected communities in Borno and Yobe States. Since January, 8,004 suspected measles cases have been reported with 21 deaths2 in Borno state, including in Nganzai (13 deaths), Askira Uba (4 deaths), Monguno (3 deaths), and Jere (1 death). In Yobe, 559 suspected cases and 6 deaths (CFR: 1.07 per cent) were reported across 49 wards in 14 LGAs of Yobe States3. The first phase of the measles vaccination campaign took place between 21 – 26 March in 8 wards of MMC, and out of a target population of 437,515, a total of 415,269 children were vaccinated.
Efforts to contain the outbreak have been hindered by low access to vaccines. Since the initial phase of the vaccination campaign in MMC and Jere, the health sector is still awaiting supplies to vaccinate the remaining targeted LGAs in Borno. In Yobe, surveillance and laboratory activities are still ongoing to support advocacy for a declaration of measles outbreak in the state to improve access to resources and capacity to respond. In general, health facilities in many areas are struggling to cope and are being overwhelmed by the number of cases presenting to the facilities and the number needing inpatient admission or referral to hospitals because of complications.
Congestion also remains a major challenge for displaced communities, particularly in IDP camps in Borno, where more than 5000 families (an estimated 25,000 people) are still living under open skies without shelter, and without any plan for a relocation. There is an urgent need to expedite negotiations for the allocation of land for construction of shelters and latrines, particularly in Monguno and in Maiduguri.
Humanitarian actors remained unable to provide emergency assistance in Rann, Kala Balge LGA, though initial security assessments of the area took place in the second half of March. A highly vulnerable population of approximately 40,000 people returned to the town in late February, after briefly fleeing into Cameroon on at least two separate locations following active hostilities between Nigeria security forces and non-state armed groups. Humanitarian actors are currently struggling to find ways to provide assistance within this highly insecure environment.