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RS-SRR Factsheet: Regional strategy for the Stabilization, Recovery and Resilience of the Lake Chad region


The crisis of Lake Chad, and the situation of the people who live around its shores, is of global concern. As the Lake Chad Basin continues to face security and humanitarian crises, the Commission has expanded its e!orts to address these challenges over the past few years.

In essence, three separate but inter-related and mutually reinforcing crises have converged: a structural and persistent development deficit; a breakdown of the social contract that has manifested in a violent extremist insurgency; and a concerning environmental crisis which requires attention and resources to mitigate the impact on people, and to help them to absorb shocks and adapt over time.

The Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) has been tasked by its Member States to organize and facilitate the mechanisms and processes required for enhanced cross-border cooperation on security and stabilization, early recovery, and sustainable development. In March 2015, the Peace, and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) authorized the deployment of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) as an expression of its support to the e!orts by the Member States of the LCBC and Benin to “create a safe and secure environment and contribute to stabilizing the situation in the areas affected” by Boko Haram activities.

What is the Regional Strategy for the Stabilization, Recovery and Resilience of the Boko Haram affected areas?

In August 2018, in LCBC Member States, with the support of the African Union and UNDP, developed the Regional Strategy for Stabilization, Recovery and Resilience to implement the second phase of the mandate as highlighted in the Strategic Concept of Operations of the Force, namely to “facilitate the implementation of overall stabilization programmes by the LCBC Member States and Benin in the affected areas, including the full restoration of state authority and the return of IDPs and refugees”.

Over the past two years, efforts to respond to conflict, humanitarian, and security challenges have taken a more regional dimension - from a military to a more comprehensive e!ort involving political, development, humanitarian and peace actors operating in the Lake Chad Basin region.