2. Background & Rationale
Following eight years of conflict in Northeast Nigeria, the region is experiencing significant humanitarian needs. In Borno State, the area most heavily affected by the crisis, 1.37 million people were internally displaced as of the start of 2017, and 41% of the population reportedly faced critical food insecurity situations as of March 2017. In response to this food security crisis, humanitarian actors have sought to provide vulnerable populations with food assistance through both in-kind food distributions and cash-based food assistance.
It is within this context, that the Nigeria Food Security Sector approached REACH to conduct an assessment in order to determine the most appropriate food assistance modality in the town of Konduga, the capital of Konduga Local Government Area (LGA) in Borno State. As Sector members intended to provide food assistance to the entire population of the town, which they estimated to be approximately 60,000, the assessment targeted both IDP and host populations.