Under the lead of the Protection Sector North-East Nigeria (PSNE), a total of partner(s) of the North-East Nigeria Protection Monitoring System (NEN-PMS) collected household level data through household assessment in LGA(s) in Borno, LGA(s) in Adamawa, and LGA(s) in Yobe. Protection Monitoring under the NENPMS follows an area-based approach that focuses on understanding the protection environment at the level of a camp, informal site or within the host community and includes all status groups among the population, i.e. displaced, returned, non-displaced people. NEN-PMS partners have used community-based networks to serve as entry points into communities for the selection of households to undergo household assessments. The selection of households was targeted and aimed at predominantly including households with high levels of vulnerability, having likely been exposed to protection threats and likely in need of protection services or assistance. Partners have provided an adequate protection response and/or ensured safe referrals to service providers from across other sectors, if households were assessed to require assistance and protection, thereby linking the understanding of the protective environment to service provision.