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Protection Monitoring Report: Monguno, April - May 2024



Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) has monitored the protection environment in Monguno LGA following an area-based approach at the level of camps, informal sites, and within the host community. The aim is to understand the protection risks that displaced, returned, and nondisplaced people face in the location. Using the Protection Analytical Framework, the Protection Monitoring looks at the context in Monguno LGA, the main threats people face, the threats' effects on the people in the location, and their capacities to respond to the threats. PUI uses the tools developed by Protection Sector North-East Nigeria (PSNE) for household assessment (HHA) and, if there is any risk and violence trend, protection incident reporting (PIR). These quantitative data are available at the PSNE Protection Monitoring Monthly Dashboard and will be triangulated with qualitative data from key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and observation.


This report is built based on the qualitative data findings and analysis from key informant interviews (KIIs), focus group discussions (FGDs), and observations as part of PUI's protection monitoring activities. The tools for KIIs and FGDs are developed to dig deeper into the specific issue topic decided on a particular month. The topic is determined based on the trending issues captured during HHA, community awareness and engagements. The topic of these months is "Harmful Child Labour".

Key informant interviews (KII)

The tool was developed by the Protection Program Manager. KIIs were conducted from the 15th of April to the 27th of May 2024. The respondents were community leaders, teachers, and other influential community members such as Bulama or (youth and/or women) leaders. In total, 12 women and 18 men were interviewed. The interviews were conducted by PUI Protection Officers. The locations of the interviews were Waterboard IDPs camp, Gana Ali IDPs camp, and host community areas. The respondents were identified during household assessment and were invited by the community volunteers.