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OCHA Nigeria Situation Report for Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States No. 13 (As of 13 September 2021)


Current developments affecting the humanitarian response - BAY states As of 13 September 2021

Both Borno and Adamawa states have officially declared cholera outbreaks, activating resource mobilization and response measures. Yobe state, despite having the largest number of suspected cases, has yet to officially declare an outbreak. This event is unfolding against the backdrop of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and a food insecurity and nutrition crisis. The sharp rise in cases is particularly alarming since the states do not have sufficient healthcare or emergency response capacity to absorb the potential caseload or test all potential suspected cases of cholera.


  • Suspected cholera cases climb to 169, including 7 fatalities, across six local government areas (LGAs).
  • Six deaths reported in Fufore internally displaced persons (IDP) camp as partners ramp up health response.
  • 100,000 people directly affected by flash floods in 15 LGAs, raising concerns of a potential surge of water-borne diseases.
  • Partners intensify engagement with Government lead agencies to address food shortage across IDP camps.


Suspected cholera cases climb to 169 including 7 fatalities across six LGAs

The number of suspected cholera cases continued to climb across 6 LGAs of Yola North, Yola South, Shelleng, Gombi, Girei, and Fufore, reaching 169 as of 7 September with 7 fatalities (4.1 per cent case fatality rate). The official declaration of an outbreak by the State Government two weeks ago enabled the rapid scale-up of emergency response by WASH and health partners in collaboration with state health teams. This resulted in the establishment of cholera treatment centers (CTCs) in affected locations and an emergency operations center (EOC) to treat cases as well as track and coordinate response. Health and WASH teams continue were deployed to affected locations to respond.

Response activities were comprised of active case search/isolation and treatment of suspected cases, chlorination and disinfection of water points, desludging of latrines and the delivery of vital kits such as aqua tabs, knapsack sprayers, soaps, to households receiving sensitization messages. Lack of funding across response pillars remains a critical challenge for ongoing response and scale-up plans, which is critical over the coming weeks, as the rainy season enters its peak and the risk of further spread increases.

Over 100,000 people directly affected by flash floods across 15 LGA

Flash floods from heavy rains directly affected over 100,000 people across communities in 15 LGA, including the state capital of Yola, according to government emergency agencies. Varying levels of destruction to homes and property were reported with populations temporarily displaced and forced to take shelter in nearby locations until floodwaters receded. The State and National Emergency Management Agencies (SEMA and NEMA) have reiterated a warning to populations across riverine communities to temporarily relocate to higher grounds in line with the flooding alert issued by the Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NiHSA), listing several communities in Adamawa State amongst high-risk locations. The recent flooding incidents (which typically contaminate water sources) raised concerns about a possible spike in AWD/cholera cases over the coming weeks. OCHA is following up with SEMA and NEMA to collate information on the potential impacts of the incidents to inform appropriate response by humanitarian partners.

Six fatalities reported at Fufore IDP camp amidst a shortage in health supplies

At least 6 fatalities attributed to different illnesses including child malnutrition and skin diseases were recorded in the Fufore IDP camp in August. Camp residents in the state continue to face a shortage of medical supplies/services following the withdrawal of services by a major health partner due to funding constraints. The partner was providing vital services that included the delivery of medical supplies and support to health teams in camps. These activities have since been suspended, resulting in alarming health response gaps over the past weeks. IDPs are unable to use nearby health facilities due to financial constraints. Health sector partners from neighbouring Borno State have deployed mobile hard-to-reach teams with vital supplies across affected camps to address urgent gaps while efforts to find lasting solutions continue.

Partners intensify engagement with government lead agencies to address major food assistance gaps

Humanitarian partners, led by OCHA, are intensifying advocacy efforts with government teams in the state to address food shortages across IDP camps in Adamawa State. The NEMA is the lead agency for food assistance, which has not been provided for some months, leading to shortages and reports of starvation in the Mubi transit camp, which is the worst hit. OCHA during the week increased engagement with the North-east Development Commission (NEDC) on the timely distribution of food items the agency recently mobilized to address shortages in camps.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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